Course Curriculum

    1. Thrilled you're here!

    2. Bloom Preparation

    1. Setting Your Intention

    1. An Exploration of Anger

    2. The Practice

    3. Healthy Ways to Release Anger

    1. Owning Your Feelings

    2. The Practice

    1. Body Awareness Practice

    1. Dry Brushing for Lymphatic Stimulation


  • $33.00
  • 26 lessons

Your Bloom experience includes:

  • An intimate exploration of your emotions.

  • Movement practices to clear stuck energy.

  • Journal prompts to awaken your heart.

  • Contemplation exercises to develop your internal peace.

  • Embodiment awareness practices.

  • The opportunity to nurture your wellbeing and cultivate self-love.

Begin your journey towards wholeness ––


Marjorie C.

– Artist & Breathwork Practitioner

So thankful for this experience - it’s been a wild ride! It has been a journey of self-compassion, and a noticing of the places where I defend, refuse love, and resist receiving. Through this experience I’ve learned it can be way easier and even FUN to open my heart.

Marina E.

Crystal Hunter

This experience has helped me clear out pent-up anger that was causing a profound blockage in accessing my own feminine power. The energetic transformation it has activated is incredible. I’m still processing it all.

"The time to flower is now"
–– Patti Smith